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Posted by Jeremy Padlock income.

Aug 30, 2014

Super Simple Sticky Success Steps……

Everyone who owns a web site wants it to be “sticky.” We want visitors to stay on our site long enough to see what we have to offer… and hopefully start to connect with YOU and eventually buy something.

In this regard, web sites and offline stores have something in common. While we both suffer from our share of “tyre kickers” (those who never intended to buy), We know that the longer a person stays on our sites, the odds are greater that they will connect with you and click a link and buy something. And much like an offline store, we entice them in every way we can to stay a while.

Here are four ways to put more sticky in YOUR site.

  1. Use the “three tell” formula.
    Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them your story, and then tell them what you just told them. Great advertising often uses the “three tell” technique by repeating the primary benefit in the headline, body of the ad, and the call to action.

  2. Tell them all they need to know up front,
    Then tease them into reading the rest. This technique is called the inverted pyramid and is often used in the news business. Using this method, you tell your prospect everything they need to know in the first paragraph or two of your sales copy, and then create curiosity to get them to read on. If they read on, the chances are you have them. Pick up any good newspaper and you will see the inverted pyramid at work.

  3. Don’t hide the good stuff.
    When visitors have to labour through page after page of information (or hype) to find what they want, they’ll leave. Curiosity taken too far creates frustration. Tease them, but don’t forget to please them.

  4. ENGAGE them in a conversation.
    The more they ask questions and talk with you, the closer they get to buying… and becoming a REPEAT buyer. That’s where the real money is. Experts say it costs between 4 to 10 times MORE to create a new customer than to sell to an existing one. Talk to your visitors as often as you can. Make them feel at home and invite them back. Soon, you will have created a loyal customer.

In my previous life I was a General Manager of a large Department Store, so I tend to view my site as if it were a clothing store in the shopping mall. In the good stores you walk in and you’re invited to shop around, take your time. They hope you will buy and they accommodate you in every way they can.

At the bad stores, Larry or Mo mumble something about being in the back if you need them. Then they look at you like you’re an idiot when you leave without buying.

As a buyer, which do you prefer?

As a seller, which one best describes your web site?

Invite your web shoppers to browse, then to buy. Make it easy for them to stay, and soon success will be on the way.

Until next time,